Kate’s Birthday Parties

I figured since Macy got flown to London for her first birthday, the least I could do was have a little party for Kate.  Or two.

Party #1 was family at our house.  And cookie cake.  Lots of cookie cake.

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This is how happy Selah was to be celebrating her sister’s birthday.


Ooh.  This cake is pretty good.

And party #2 with grandparents at Pappasito’s.

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Then back home for more cake.

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Wow, Mom.  You’re going to let me have more?!

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Happy birthday my sweet Kate!

My Darling Kate

Dear Kate,

As I sit here on the floor watching you play with your toys, I am a little bit in denial that today is really your birthday.  Okay, okay.  A lot of denial.

There are so many clichés floating around about time moving too quickly – before you blink they’ll be grown, don’t wish time away, no time to lose, there’s no time like the present – and yet none of these really sum up the way that I feel knowing that the first year of your life has already passed me by.  You are my third beautiful girl, my precious jewel, my snuggly baby.  The Lord gave you to me in a time where I felt so sad and so lonely and through carrying you in my womb and watching you grow up, I have felt joy and seen over and over again how the Lord is good.

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At one year old you like –

Being outside in the grass.

Eating the grass.  Or leaves.  Or pine needles.

Splashing in the bathtub.

Playing peek-a-boo.

Reading/chewing on books.

Little People/Duplos.

Food – chicken, cheese, fruit, veggies, yogurt bites.  Trying to work the sippy cup is also pretty entertaining.

Singing/listening to music.

Watching Macy & Selah run around.

Mommy holding you.

And things you do not like –

Changing clothes.

Changing your diaper.

Having something taken away from you.

Sitting in the car seat for long periods of time.

Words you’ve said: ma-ma, da-da, pa-pa, hi, baby and ball

You are still crawling to get around – probably because Mommy carries you around so much.  But you’ve started pulling up and I am afraid that walking is not too far away in your future.  You play well by yourself, but you definitely prefer for Mommy to be in the vicinity.  You still like to fall asleep all swaddled up and have started to love on your “baby” – a pink hippo with the same face as Macy’s giraffe and Selah’s horse.  You’ve had your two bottom teeth for a while now, and just today I noticed a small white dot poking through on the top left.  Guess you’ll be getting a new tooth before we know it.

I love you my darling girl.  Happy, happy birthday to you.


Fun by the River

During spring break, we took our annual trip to Wimberley, Texas with Jeff’s family.  Despite my rocky relationship with the great outdoors, fun was had by all – the cousins were super helpful in watching the girls, the weather was perfect and the milk tea was plentiful.  Yes, you read that correctly.  You better believe that Jeff brought milk tea ingredients and made it for everyone.  While we played Settlers.  It was almost like being on the east side. 😉


Kate tries on Buddy’s hat


Avery and Macy snuggle up after a cold swim



Swimming with Daddy


Kate checks out the water


Cook Cook and the girls


Braeden’s first Settlers game


Family shot on the mountain


And more Settlers.  Figured Macy might as well learn now.

My girls love Wimberley.  Love it.  How can you not when your cousins are there and your daily schedule looks something like this –

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Play on playground.

Build small fire.

Walk up the mountain.

Play on playground.

Eat lunch.

Go swimming.

Watch older cousins jump off rope swing into water.

Swim some more.

Play on playground.

Go to arcade and play.  Win prizes.

Build big fire.

Eat dinner.

Eat dessert.

Watch movie with cousins.

Go to sleep and start all over again tomorrow.

There are no naps, no school, no homework.  It’s hard to blame them for being sad when we pulled back onto the freeway toward Houston.  But alas, there’s always next year.  Good-bye Wimberley.  Can’t wait to see you again.

Deep in the Heart of Texas

I never feel more Texan than when I go to the rodeo.  Where else can you find mutton bustin’, barrel racing, fried stuff on a stick, AND pony rides?  I mean, c’mon.  It’s every little girls’ dream. 😉

Well, my girls seem to enjoy it anyway.

This year, we made it truly special by watching our friend Liam take home the medal for mutton bustin’.  I had planned on signing Macy up and was filling out the paperwork – but as I did so, Jeff showed Macy a Youtube video of what mutton bustin’ looked like and she decided she would NOT like to ride a sheep like that.  I think she thought it was more like a pony ride on a sheep.  Oops.  So we cheered on Liam and he took home the gold – or whatever it is you take home when you ride the sheep the longest.  Way to go Liam!

We made our way through our favorites – the pony ride, the petting zoo, fun on the farm, the rides, the buying of the chocolate Borden milk.  It was the first year that Amber and I had our both of our spouses in tow and I felt truly spoiled.  It was so nice to have four adults on five kids.

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And last but not least, the infamous barrel photos.  The very first year we took Macy to the rodeo with my mom and Jeff’s mom (ah, the good ole’ days of four adults on one kid) – we found this barrel that you could take pictures with.  It was by accident, of course, but it just so happened that it was one of my favorite photos of Macy from the whole day.  So now every year that we go, I seek it out in hopes of recreating the moment.  I think this year we did pretty good.

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Until next year, y’all!

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Kate is almost one and doesn’t seem to be in much of a hurry to walk.  Which, of course, is fine with me – I’m a little nervous about the day that I have three little girls moving quickly in three different directions.

Except for today.

Jeff was eating some ice cream and sharing bites with Macy and Selah.  He reached down and gave Kate a little taste and then went back to feeding the other two.  Kate started making noise that she wanted more, but Jeff didn’t hear her.

So she stood up. By herself.

For ice cream.

And yes, it was Blue Bell.


What a smart baby.  😉