
The night we had Macy’s family birthday party (see An Excuse for Cookie Cake below), she stayed up way too late.  But it was her birthday and she was having way too much fun playing with all of her new toys, so I figured she’d be okay.  However, when I went to put her to bed, she just could not get settled.  You know how when you are so tired you can’t fall asleep?  Multiply that by two and that is where Macy was.  So I found myself in her dark bedroom trying to quiet her down enough so that she would be able to fall asleep.

Somehow, I ended up standing up in front of her crib holding her like a baby and rocking, rocking, rocking.  After a minute or two, I realized that I was in the same position that I spent most of her babyhood.  Standing up, rocking, rocking, rocking (we didn’t have a rocking chair).  I thought back to all those hours of rocking.  I used to think – what am I doing wrong?  Why won’t she fall asleep?  Why is she still crying?  I wish someone would have just told me – this is just a phase.  You’ll blink and she’ll be turning two.  She won’t be crying out for you in the middle of the night (all the time, anyway).  She won’t have to eat every three hours.  But she also won’t snuggle you like she used to.  She probably won’t fall asleep in your arms.  And she’ll run away from you when she’s done something wrong (or gets in an open area). It will be different, but good different.  You’ll actually be able to sleep through the night.

As I thought back on all these things, my little girl was settling down.  I said a prayer for her and placed her in her crib.  I can’t believe how much she has grown.  I would rock her forever if I could.

An Excuse for Cookie Cake

Since we celebrated Macy’s birthday on Thursday, I had kind of planned to take it easy on Friday, her actual birthday.  One of our favorites families, Meagan and Tim, were bringing their brand new son, Ben, to Houston to see family and were going to stop by, but other than that we did not have any plans.

That was, until, I went to the mall and passed the American Cookie Company.


When you’re about to leave the country (again), you find yourself saying things like, “Well, this could be my last cookie cake for awhile.”  And before you know it, you’ve ordered one.  With your daughter’s name on it of course, so it looks a little better.  🙂

So after we partied with the Bergerons…

Meagan, me, and Ben

I forgot how small they are!

All the boys

Macy LOVES Baby Ben.  She kept saying, “baby Ben, baby Ben.”  He IS pretty darn cute.

…we partied again for Macy’s birthday.  Jeff’s parents came out to mom and dad’s house to open presents and eat cookie cake.  Macy enjoyed the singing a little bit more this time.

Last year in London, I also used Macy’s birthday as an excuse to eat cookie cake…

Amazing how much difference a year makes.  Look how short Macy’s hair was!

Blow out your candles, Macy!

Hmm…let’s try this out

Yea, that’s good.

After eating cookie cake, we had some surprise visitors…

Em-me (Emily) and Matt!

They brought the biggest gift bag I have ever seen (seriously) and the cutest Dora “Feliz Cumpleanos” balloon.

Also included in the gift bag were: BEADS, bracelets, and sunglasses!  It was Macy heaven.  She got a new Dora change purse, bubbles, stickers, butterfly wings…and the list goes on.

Let’s give a round of dap

Thanks Matt and Emily! (and thanks for sporting your very own pair of sunglasses)

Happy birthday baby girl!  Thanks for giving your mommy an excuse to eat cookie cake.  🙂

Pump It Up

I think it was actually my mom’s idea to have Macy’s 2nd birthday party at a place called Pump It Up.  I had totally forgotten about it and wasn’t sure that Macy would enjoy all the moonwalks and slides.

I wasn’t sure until I saw her play on the Dora moonwalk at Lazybrook during the Easter Egg Hunt.  After that, I went by and booked the party.

My party package included 40 minutes of playing time in each playing arena and then 40 minutes of pizza, dessert, and singing “Happy Birthday”.  They took care of all the paper goods, pizza, a giant blow-up chair for the birthday girl to sit in, decorations, and all the jumpy toys.  I took care of cupcakes, drinks, and getting Macy there on time.

When we arrived, they had labeled her room already.

The first thing Macy wanted to do was the big slide.  Abby helped her slide down.

This is her “let’s do it again!” face.

Even the babies were having a pretty good time…this is my cousin, Jennifer and her daughter Olivia, my friend Megan and her son Hudson and friend Amanda and her son Evan.

Grandmommy took a turn in the obstacle course to help Macy get through it.

My friend, Melissa, took this picture after Macy stole her Capri Sun.  Sorry, Melissa.  This was Macy’s first of the night.  It was not her last.

Time to sing to the birthday girl.  At first, Macy looked a little frightened.

But she liked the part where she got to blow out the candles.

And eat the icing.  Cousin Braeden helps her out.

We only had time to open up a few presents.  This one was a big hit – from the Graham family – by the next day she had pushed all the buttons about a hundred times.  🙂

And a quick group shot they took right before we ate.  Thanks to everyone for coming!

When we got home that night, Macy kept singing, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.”  Apparently, the birthday girl was happy with her Pump It Up experience.

Birthday Eve

I’m reminded that tomorrow is Macy’s birthday not because of the presents she’s already opened, the party she had tonight, or the six Capri Suns that she downed (okay, maybe it was four).  No, I’m reminded it’s Macy’s birthday tomorrow because my dad and Jeff are watching the NBA finals.

Strange, I know.

When I was 9 months pregnant with Macy, Jeff and I spent our last moments as “just” a married couple doing what normal couples do while they await the birth of their first child.  We took a tour of the Thai emperor’s old house, sat on a boat ride down the river, saw the Emerald Buddha, and drank lots of Starbucks (decaf, of course).  Oh – well, maybe that is not quite what normal couples do.  But we were waiting in Thailand so Jeff thought we should take the opportunity to see the city.  I, on the other hand, was very pregnant and very hot and my swollen feet demanded that for the last two weeks we stopped touring and started…well, um sitting.  In the air-conditioning.

(As a sidenote, I just scrolled through our pictures during our touring in Thailand.  I found a couple of me at 9 months pregnant standing in front of various Thai landmarks.  I just didn’t have the heart to post a picture where I look that…terrible.)

During the weeks of sitting, the Rockets were playing the Lakers in the playoffs.  We used to get up in the mornings and watch the games live – nighttime for the US is daytime for Asia – and we rooted until the poor Rockets just couldn’t quite beat the Lakers.  Sad day.

And that’s what made me reflect on the birth of my first baby.

Tonight, we celebrated in style Macy’s birth at a little place they like to call “Pump It Up”.  You’ve never seen a happier kid.  All those jumpy toys and slides with all her cousins and good friends was toddler heaven.  She barely slowed down the entire time.  As I watched her, I thought – wow, how in the world could my little girl be two already?  It feels like just yesterday I was huffing and puffing to get up several flight of stairs.  (Oh, maybe that was just yesterday).

I’ll have to post more pics of Macy’s party later, but I’ll leave you with one that we snapped right before going out the door.

The fact that we got her to look toward the camera is in itself, a miracle.

So happy birthday tomorrow baby girl.  And here’s to many, many more.  We love you.

Gone Fishin’

My uncle Jerry gave Macy her very first fishing pole today at our family get-together and so Jeff taught her the ropes.

We had such a good time hanging out with family – eating lots of yummy food and just catching up.

Here’s a quick shot of Macy with Papa in the pool…

And a shot of my mom holding Macy and “baby ‘Livia” – or Olivia, my cousin’s daughter

Olivia is just a little bit younger than Macy and is such a sweet girl.  She stays pretty calm and is content just sitting in someone’s lap.  I found myself asking my cousin if she special-ordered her.  She laughed and said no.  Hmm.  Wonder if I could have special-ordered a calm child.  🙂  Ah, well.  Guess I’ll never know.

Girls Rule…

I’m not sure if I’d ever mentioned it, but Jeff and I have known each other for a long time.  Like for almost 20 years long time.

We became friends when I was in high school.  We didn’t hang out a whole lot, but our paths crossed every now and then.  When I was a senior, I think, we saw each other more because I was working in the nursery at our church and Jeff was the youth intern.  (This is the part he loves to tell people).

One day, Jeff was shopping at Value Village, a store that sells – for lack of a better word – used clothing.  I’m not sure why he was there, maybe he was hanging out with someone else, but he ended up finding a shirt from the high school of one of the youth members and so he bought it.  And then I guess, he thought of me, and bought me a shirt as well.

It was brown.  A size large.  And it said, “Girls rule, boys drool.”

And this is the shirt that Jeff thought I would like.

Ah, well.  He didn’t know me very well back then.

So today, Jeff was going out to do some painting on the house (another blog for another day), and went upstairs to change his shirt before he left.

When he came downstairs, this is what he was wearing.

Yes, that is the shirt.  Classic Amy, don’t you think?

This blast from the past made me smile.  When I was 18, I had no idea that this Value Village shirt-buying guy was going to be the love of my life.  God really does have a sense of humor.

Middle Seats

Visas in the mail.  Check.  Plane tickets confirmed.  Check.  Seating arrangements.  Hmm.

Since the booking had to happen pretty late in the game, the only options for the three of us to sit together on the long flight over was either row 60 or 61.  There are 61 rows on the plane.

I called United just to see if magically their screen had anything different.

It didn’t.

I casually mentioned that we were elite members with Continental (who has merged with United) and her tone turned optimistic.  Oh, she said, well in that case, you all will qualify for the “economy plus” section…more leg room, more ice cream.  (Ok, not really on the ice cream).

She checked her system again.  There weren’t any three seats together in economy plus either.

So we were left with a choice.  Jeff and I fly a lot and we haven’t had the best experience with the back of the plane – it’s hotter, seriously louder, and on top of the bathrooms.  Add Macy to the equation and we were hesitant to sit there.

The other option was to move up to economy plus and take two middle seats in the middle section (it’s a 3, 4, 3 plane) and then another middle seat across the aisle and just hope beyond hope that either someone doesn’t show up or an angel sits next to me and is willing to switch seats with Jeff so we can sit together.

We gambled.

I went ahead and moved our seats to the economy plus section.  So worst case scenario, Macy and I will sit in between two strangers and across the aisle will be Jeff sitting between two strangers.  But I have a feeling they won’t be strangers for long, because Macy will be crawling back and forth over them to get to her daddy.

So I guess we’ll see how it goes.  It’s only 15 hours, right?  You can handle just about anything for 15 hours.  🙂


Wow, it is hot.  And it’s only May.  Guess there is just one way to beat the heat…sprinklers here we come!

Testing the sprinklers out with her foot

Hold my hand, Papa

Macy laughs when Papa throws the ball to Daddy

And let’s end the day with a Ritz cracker.

Health Food

There are times I feel the same way about health food…

Luke: They’re gonna get cold.
Lorelai: Are they different?
Luke: Different than what?
Lorelai: They seem different.
Luke: They’re nachos. Now eat them.
Lorelai: You used baked chips.
Luke: What?!
Lorelai: You did, didn’t you? You used baked chips and low fat cheese.
Luke: I did not [pauses] use low fat cheese.
Lorelai: Ha!
Luke: How can you tell?
Lorelai: How could you lie?
Luke: It tastes the same!
Lorelai: [sighs] The trust Luke! How are we gonna make it if you’re constantly trying to keep me healthy?
Luke: Fine. Forget it. Die at 60.
Lorelai: Bring me a donut while I wait!?